Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Attention All Entrepreneurs

When I first started a blog I had some original thoughts about two years ago. I would like to share those old thoughts with you plus my new thoughts so you all can see what has changed...

I hate my commute to work. I Can't imagine working for someone else forever. I Still have champagne wishes and caviar dreams, but now... All that has changed since I created a business with the right information for success. I now have and am willing to share it with others. I'm looking for the perfect partners to create a win/win dynasty... Dreamers, know what they want, no excuses, always seeking to elevate themselves on many levels, giving, appreciative, coachable, willing to work. What I am not looking for is… Lazy people, Constantly make excuses and complain, Can't or won't make decisions, Want something for nothing.

What I want my business to look like and be… Did you ask yourself that question before or after you made the decision to be an entrepreneur? Let me be up front with you, for me the answer to that question was after. (I thought that I had a grasp on that question. I only had one perspective and that was given to me via the companies I was promoting.) Perhaps many of us entrepreneurs began with an idea instead of an actual plan. This feels like a work in progress that never ends.

Can you relate to that feeling of wanting to provide so much immense value to others and for others that all of your wildest success dreams become a reality? Think of the self - confidence you’ll feel. Does that feeling of accomplishment keep you up at night? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself through personal development allowing the inner you to emerge, and attract the necessary people to build your empire? You see, that is what I’m going through. I can’t sleep at night. I can’t stop thinking about it!

June 1985 is when this journey began. Since that time there has been college, gunshots, 3 plus jobs at one time, constant financial struggles (I’m talking not making $30,000 clear in one year in the state of New Jersey. There has been love, marriage, attempts at children, heartbreak, dissolution, confusion, lack of personal growth, and divorce. There was also the passing of Mom, and Dad. During all of that, the deep-rooted seed of entrepreneurship kept growing.

Couldn’t that describe most of us entrepreneurs? Yeah of course the details may be different yet the feelings and journey are likely the same. Don’t forget the numerous companies we participated in also, is part of our journeys. Did you try traditional means (outside the Internet) to grow your business? Oh, come on you know what I’m talking about… Word of mouth advertising, flyers, road signs, meetings, home parties, newspaper ads, personal contact lists, etc. I did too.

Your result was probably just like mine… Some money earned, great fun experiences, great temporary or even long term relationships, but still no dream type lifestyle changes as you envision. Let me ask you something, entrepreneur to entrepreneur. Have you ever wondered how to condense everything you have learned and acquired during your journey in one or more teaching type formats (video, audio, or even public speaking)?

This has been gnawing at me for a long time. Many of us have great ideas, write them down, articulate them, etc. Yet still no major change has occurred. If you can relate to any of this you are just like me. I have wondered what my business would be like with more relatable insight and journeys of others being intertwined yet independent of each other. What could we build together? What could we build independently? What impact could we make, instead of just coexisting with dreams not yet realized.

Imagine a dozen or more of us banded together like this. What would that mean for your business? Would you have to rely on just your own finances to make things happen, or could you pool funds in a collective effort to make things happen and condense time frames?

Would you have to create everything or could you outsource more? Aren’t these things what great enterprises possess? Let’s talk about it. Who knows perhaps we can truly, authentically empower each other. Maybe new ideas could be spawned.

You know what Napoleon Hill said about creating a mastermind alliance right? When two or more minds come together and you add more, a third more powerful, creative, intuitive mind is created. Share your thoughts, questions, comments, feelings, and let’s see what happens.

By the way, let me leave you with this…

As you compile your thoughts, questions, comments, and feelings… Write, record, and video record everything. This will create incredible content for you to later market in the form of a never - ending ability to provide more use value than dollar value.

This is the key to your long awaited dreams, not just some company or industry success. No one will ever be able to be you because there is only one you. This creates a unique marketing opportunity no one else can touch. Please leave your comments, feedback, questions, feelings, etc. because I read every single one of them

Meet you at the top…


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